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10 Complete Coding Learning Tips for Beginners

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Want to learn coding for beginners, but where to start?
This is what you must be confused about when you want to learn basic coding. The programming world is constantly evolving. It's natural to feel left out every time you start studying. But that doesn't mean you can't catch up. The key is to do effective coding learning tips. Instead of learning all programming languages at once, we'll show you how to learn from scratch until you can create a solution program. So, for those of you who are still new, this article is very appropriate.

What is Coding?

Coding is the activity of writing a line of code from a programming language. This line of code will be executed by the computer to run something. For example, making websites, building apps, processing data, etc.

10 Tips for Learning Coding for Beginners

1. Know the Types of Developers

First, you should first know the types of developer’s aka people who develop websites/apps. Because the coding for each type of developer can be different. Here are some types of developers:

  • Front-end developer: responsible for developing the website in terms of appearance using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
  • Back-end developer: responsible for managing the back end of websites/apps. Such as: servers, receiving data from the front end, and others.
  • Full-stack developer: a combination of the two, must take care of the front-end to the back end.

2. Know the Differences in Programming Languages

Many people think that everything used to create websites/apps is a programming language. Though, not necessarily, you know. Although they are both used to communicate with computers, there are different types of languages:

  • Markup language: a computer language consisting of a set of codes to govern the structure and how information is displayed.
  • Style sheet language: a computer language for styling content presentation. Starting from the layout, fonts, colours, etc.
  • Script Language: a series of computer commands that can be executed automatically.
  • Programming language: a computer language that consists of a set of rules (strings) to produce a specific output. Especially developing websites, software, apps, etc

3. Understand the Basic Concepts of Coding

Even though there are various programming languages, you can still learn them all. Fortunately, there are concepts that form the backbone of all computer languages. Understanding this concept, learning to code will be much easier. Even when you transition to another language:

  • Variable: a storage container with a name that represents a specific data type. For example, the string data type is represented by the variable $value.
  • Control structure: a block or group that contains certain variables and commands. When a line of code is written, the computer will read it and find out which command needs to be executed.
  • Data structure: a particular method for storing and processing data or variables efficiently. For example, developers only need to create one variable to hold all data (List), rather than one variable for one data.
  • Syntax: a set of rules that govern how the spelling of a command or language can be translated by a computer. For example, using <>, (), @, etc.
  • Tools: the computer programs you need to build to execute code. For example: Android Studio, Atom by GitHub, etc.

4. Start with HTML

The next tips for learning coding, try starting from HTML. Most developers start their skills from this markup language. The reason is, HTML is the basic of any web page. That is, almost all websites in the world involve HTML code to build their display structure. Fortunately, this markup language is quite easy to understand. The syntax is simple. So, for beginners, we recommend learning coding by exploring HTML first. Moreover, the HTML version also keeps updating. Most recently, there is HTML5. This is an improved version of HTML. So, the syntax is simpler but minimal errors.

5. Try CSS

Along with learning HTML, you can also dive into CSS. You could say, HTML and CSS are one series. HTML is to create a web display framework, while CSS is to decorate the display. By understanding both, you can create a simple web display, you know.

6. Continue to JavaScript

Level up again, to JavaScript. These tips for learning coding are mandatory if you don't want your site to look crisp. JavaScript can make sites more interactive and responsive on various devices. Your site can display animations, image carousels, attractive navigation, dropdown menus, etc. So, to make it easier to combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we recommend that you use Bootstrap. Bootstrap is an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for designing responsive websites quickly and easily.

7. Learn PHP

PHP is a scripting language for creating functional websites. Earlier you already understood that a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be used to build a simple web interface. But for the components there to work, you need to enter another language. One of them is PHP. The reason, PHP can run the process according to the command. Such as calculations, data storage, etc. So, not only is the web display okay, but people can use it.

8. Expand Coding Capabilities

After mastering the basic HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP, it will be easier for you to expand your coding skills. But of the many programming languages, which one should be learned first? If you are confused, you can try to follow our suggestions below:

  • Starting from C. The reason is this programming language is the basis of a more complicated language.
  • Learn Python. This programming language is quite popular and is widely used for various needs. From developing websites, creating new features, doing statistics, etc.
  • Continue to Java. Java can run in various environments. The syntax is also concise and beginner friendly.
  • If so, jump into C++. This is an advanced version of C. Great for building applications, operating systems, to those that require heavy graphics such as games.

9. Continue to Upgrade Coding Skills from Various Sources

Learning to code is endless. The reason is programming languages are always evolving and releasing the latest versions. Therefore, you must be diligent in upgrading skills. You can do this learning coding tips through various sources, such as:

  • Read programming books
  • Watch coding tutorials via YouTube or other video streaming platforms
  • Join relevant coding communities/forums
  • Take coding or web development courses
  • Participate in webinars/development events.
  • Subscribe to the web development blog to get the latest info about programming.

Don't be too tense when learning coding. Following the tips above you can hone your skills as you go along. Thus, the insight remains regularly updated without giving too much burden to the mind.

10. Create a Solution Program

The next beginner coding learning tips, start creating a solutive program. Implement your coding skills into useful products. Such as websites, apps, systems, etc. In addition to building experience, creating a solution program will give you a lot of insight. You will understand how to develop a feature, deal with errors, to create something efficiently and effectively.

5 Free Coding Learning Website

1.    CodeAcademy

2.    W3schools

3.    CodeWars

4.    Getbootstrap

5.    Hack.Pledge( )

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