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What is a Web Developer? Understanding, Types, and Skills Required

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Becoming a web developer is an interesting career option that you can consider. How not, almost all job search sites always display vacancies for this programmer profession. Interestingly, web developer salaries are also quite high, you know. You are interested? But don't really know what a web developer is? Well, this is the right article for you. We will explain in full what the duties of a web developer are and how to become a reliable web developer. Without further ado, let's start by understanding the meaning of a web developer first.

What is a Web Developer?

A web developer is a person in charge of creating and developing websites, or other terms web development. Broadly speaking, the responsibility of a web developer is to produce a website or application, such as menu buttons, search boxes, and so on. In addition, they also ensure optimal website performance. Even so, the role of web developers also depends on the skills they have. Here are the types of web developers:

  • Back-end developer: web developer whose work is related to the server. They are responsible for ensuring that websites are always fast, secure, and functional for their intended use.
  • Front-end developer: designing website interfaces. The goal is that the website has a good appearance and features that are easy for visitors to use.
  • Full-stack developer: a web developer who does both front end and back-end work. Full-stack developers must be able to create the appearance and features of the website, while optimizing its speed and security from the server side.

Web Developer Responsibilities and Duties

1. Designing Website Logic

Web Developer Type: Back-end Developer
Web developers are responsible for designing the logic of the website according to the type of website being created. For example, to create an online store, developers can create a flow so that each visitor is directed to create an account or log in, before finally choosing a product and making a payment.

2. Build Database

Web Developer Type: Back-end Developer
In addition to website logic, web developers also build the database. The database functions to store website data, such as various photos and product information, visitor accounts, and order data. In addition, developers must also manage the database so as not to burden website performance

3. Designing Website Appearance

Web Developer Type: Front-end Developer
Designing a website interface is one of the tasks of a front-end developer. The goal is that the website has a good appearance and features that are easy for visitors to use. Front-end developers also must make sure the website has a responsive appearance so that it looks neat on computer, smartphone, and tablet screens.

4. Testing the Website

Web Developer Type: Front-end Developer
After successfully creating a website, web developers must also conduct regular usability testing. Website usability testing serves to maximize the user experience or visitor experience. With a good user experience, visitors will be happy when visiting your website.

5. Finding and Fixing Security Vulnerabilities on Websites

Web Developer Type: Back-end Developer
To minimize the risk of cybercrime, web developers need to look for security gaps on websites and servers and fix them. Thus, the website is always safe from hacker attacks and visitors' trust is maintained.


Back-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Designing Website Logic

Build Database

Designing Website Appearance

Testing the Website

Finding and Fixing Security Vulnerabilities on Websites


5 Web Developer Skills

1. Have HTML/CSS and JavaScript Capabilities

Regardless of the type of web developer, it is still mandatory to master markup languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Because is the main foundation of making web pages. Roughly, here's a brief explanation of each markup language:

  • HTML: serves to build the structure of web pages and insert content into pages, such as paragraphs, headings, and images.
  • CSS: needed to define the appearance of text, buttons, and other elements on web pages.
  • JavaScript: used to create fluid and interactive content, such as image sliders, animations, and pop-ups.

2. Know How to Create a Mobile-Friendly Design

it is important for web developers to know how to create mobile-friendly websites. So, the website can look okay on any type of device.

3. Mastering Certain Programming Languages

It doesn't have to be all of them, it's okay to master certain programming languages. Just adjust it to your interests, the type of web developer, or the needs of the website you are working on.

4. Can Use Various Web Developer Tools

There are many tools that web developers need to execute programming languages or facilitate performance.  For example, GitHub. Web developers need a website for storing and managing this code to make project collaboration easier. In addition, also to prevent code changes that have the potential to damage the original code. Not only that, web developers must also be able to use the framework according to the required programming language. For example, the Laravel framework for developing websites with the PHP programming language.

5. Understand About SEO

Because the main goal of web developers is to create websites, it means that they must learn SEO. By understanding search engine optimization, web developers can design sites according to SEO rules. The hope is that the website has more potential to enter the first page of Google to attract more traffic.

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